Tuesday 4 February 2014

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What Killed Paul Walker?

What Killed Paul WalkerThe world though recovered from the grief, still has not been able to absorb the fact that Paul Walker is no longer in between us. The handsome hunk left all his fans crying in 2013 in an accident, fight for his life happily, winning death at the cost of his love for speed.
Did you know what killed Paul Walker? Yes, it was an accident but what more? Let us look at the other side of the story, but before that, let us first see who Paul Walker actually is.

Paul Walker-The Legend

Born on 12th September 1973, Paul was an American actor, philanthropist and also the founder of Reach out Worldwide an organization working to collect funds for natural disaster hit people. He started his career as a model at the tender age of two appearing in pamper advertisement and then as a toddler he appeared in many series but soon became famous from his film Varsity blues however his big break came when he starred in Fast and the Furious first film out of six as an undercover police officer Brian o Conner and since then he never looked back his fate was sealed with success and fame. He was rumored to be opted for future James bond and have also rejected the offer to become superman lead role. He was marine biologist by academics and was also seen in national geographic channel documentaries too and was dubbed with title “Shark Men”. Walker was a successful artist and grabbed many nominations for awards and awards to by his unmatched skills of acting and thrill. He left a 15 year old daughter, Meadow rain that he had from ex-girlfriend Rebecca Mcbrain.
paul walker and his daughter meadow rain

The ups and downs in his personal life!

His personal life did not contain much of spice or gossips he was a party loving person however his one and long life girlfriend was Rebecca from which he had a baby daughter too name Meadow Rain whom he loved a lot. He was stated saying that baby girl was not planned however once he was gifted the title of father by nature his daughter became his number one priority. He broke up with his daughter mother soon however for past many years he had another girlfriend named Jasmine Pilchard-Gosnell who was 17 years old younger than him and they met when she was just 16years old.

His love for speed!

“If one day the speed kills me, do not cry because I was smiling.”
The above sentence is tweeted by fans of Walker on many occasions after his death claiming to be the words of Walker himself. His love, compassion and commitment to racing and speed were endless and not even a single day of his life passed away without the inclusion of speed. In 2009 documentation was released by name of 2009 interview with Parade in which his experience and love for speed was shown on and off screen both. He was famous for his fast driving skills and escaped many fatal crashes in his life before the final one.

The accident

It was almost 3:30 pm when Paul walker breath for the last time in the world leaving millions to mourn for his death. His car was reported to flip and smash into a tree in Santa Clarita at the astonishing speed of 300km/h or more. Sitting on the passenger seat Walker and his friend identified as Roger Rodas was driving the car lost the control of Red Porsche Gt. People who witnessed the incident ran to the site with fire extinguisher however nature was not merciful to both of them and they succumbed to death with multiple fractures and thermal injuries.
Paul walker got killed in fatal car crash  as a headline flashed in late November leaving all the fans in grief which can never be overcome by any means. Speed killed Paul walker, that is, the only thing which kept him alive. However, Life is limited love is eternal and Paul walker love will always remain alive.
We will always miss Paul and his skills in all domains.

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Make Money by Watching Movies and Writing Reviews

make money by watching movies and writing reviewsMaking money online is no more a difficult game to play, in fact, if you are truly a money maker and want to cash every bit of your talent, there is nothing stopping you from generating decent dollars for yourself. Have you ever thought of getting paid for watching latest movies and letting people know a little about how actually the movie was? If not, then here comes a new way to make money by watching movies and writing reviews on them. Although there are thousands of other ways through which you can enjoy some better results but again, there is nothing like free lunches and to enjoy great revenue, you need to invest great time, quality and efforts too.
If you are a movie freak and love to watch the latest movies, if you think you are good at criticizing the flaws and appreciating an outstanding project, then you can simply earn up to $10 for writing a movie review for websites that pay handsome for doing so.

Why to write movie reviews to make money?

If you are making some money through the alternative strategies of earning through an online platform, having this question seems justified. It is important to understand the real you and your abilities before you choose your earning strategy. Think of a poor writer applying for writing jobs on freelancing sites or a busy student aiming to make AdSense revenue by posting once in a week. This would surely do no good to him as every domain has its own requirements in terms of time and quality.
If you know you love entertainment and think you cannot do justice to any other online program of making money, then watching a movie for fun and writing a review in an hour is certainly an easy thing you can do whenever you have some spare relaxing hours.
There are many entertainment websites that offer review writing jobs but 3 highly recommended websites in my list are helium.com, yahoo!voices and xomba.com.
Let us discuss each of them in detail.


Just like any other article submitting website, say squidoo or hubpages, xomba pays its review writers on the basis of PPC (Pay per Click) strategy. All you need to do is to write a brief review about the movie and publish it at xomba.com. You need to have a Google AdSense account to get your revenue been generated.
write movie reviewsat xomba
What happens is, Google Ads are placed with your review and when someone follows an ad link while reading your review, you get paid each time.
The only drawback of using this site is that there is no consistency or guarantee in earning. You might get a good deal someday but nothing at all the next day!
Tip: Try picking most happening topics to write on xomba.com

Yahoo! Voices

Previously known Associated Content is now what you know as Yahoo! Voices. All you need to do is to sign up for an account and post your articles related to different domains, including movie reviews under the review section.
write movie reviews at yahoo!voices
The mechanism of payment is a few cents for every post initially but once you increase your worth by your creative content, you can then enjoy a nice daily income.
The idea is still new and unfamiliar, resulting in limited number of viewers visiting your work. However, when things are under the banner of Yahoo or MSN, keep your morale high!
Tip: Focus on quality and try breaking reviews as soon as possible after the release of a movie trailer or movie, itself!


write movie reviews at helium
People who are doing this work as profession consider Helium to be the best of all. You need to get your title approved by the team by applying for a review to write. Here, as stated above, things are professional and a review should be of more than 400 words. The site pays quite decently per review but getting your hands on a topic is something difficult due to the presence of already working writers who act as your competitor.
Tip: Try to be the first one to write on latest movies
So you see that even watching movies can be a source of income if you are looking forward to cash your hours and make money by watching movies and writing reviews.

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5 Shocking Ways to Make Money Online when Jobless!

make money online when joblessBeing jobless doesn’t mean that you are useless too. For sure, you are NOT! These days when see the real-world opportunities getting saturated for the fresh graduates especially, there is an emerging field on online earning which is been availed by a majority of people these days, in some way or the other. If you are not happy with your current job or even not able to get a hold of one, here are some easy, yet worth following ways to make money online when jobless. These ways work like magic, turning into an online businessman who may own a huge online empire if things work in their best way.
Here are 5 Effective ways through which you can make money online when jobless!

1) Start Blogging!

Blogging has turned into one of the most reputed online businesses currently where people are taking deep interest learning its mechanism. All you need to start your blog is to study a little about the fundamentals of blogging which includes domain selection, blog templates, SEO techniques and tricks to attract readers by promoting your blog on different platforms.
Once you are done with the study phase, all you need to do is to build a blog that suits the niche you have chosen for your blog. It is really immature to expect great results from the very first day. With your consistency and quality content, the traffic slowly starts getting attracted which takes about 6-7 months and more than a year in worst cases.
Once you realize that your blog is visited by readers regularly then this is the right time to apply for AdSense. If you did your homework initially and learnt about SEO techniques, there is no reason that your AdSense won’t get approved.
Google AdSense pays you for the space you offer Google to place advertisements on your blog and you are paid for ppc (Pay per click). There are many blogs that earn huge through this only.

2) Become a Freelancer!

If you have graduated from a business or engineering university and looking for more technical or appropriate way to cash your talent and skills that you learnt from your studies, you can always turn into an entrepreneur by becoming a freelancer.
There are a hundreds of freelancing sites that helps you getting contracts that pay you pretty well for your services. All you need to do here is to get your hands on a decent and trustworthy freelancing website and get registered on it.
Once done with registration, update your profile and start hunting for offers that suit you the best. Submit your proposals everywhere and once you get a client who wants your services, you need to sound like a professional.
There are people I know who are earning their livings with sites like Freelancer.com.

3) Filling Surveys

If you are looking for some easy ways to make money online when jobless, then filling online surveys for sites that need people to do so is an easy thing. There are companies which want to know about their products and for that they offer a good package to survey sites that take feedback on their behalf. Such sites need people like you to work for them online and in return share some percent of the package been offered by the companies.
Note: Read more about 10 best online survey sites.

4) Manage Facebook Fan pages

This is the easiest of all and it seriously pays you more as compared to the efforts needed. I have been making a good money with it lately and therefore know that if you are jobless or a by person who is looking for some additional income, you can make money by managing Facebook fan pages by becoming content sharer. Try messaging the famous pages and tell them about your interest. They might turn back to you with a package of posting some content n Fan page in return of some dollars.

5) Write Articles

Words can be of great use if you know how to mold them effectively. There are no doubts that the e-business is all about the words been written, and if you think you have an ability to write, you can surely earn your livings with it. There are sites like hubpages, ezinearticles, squidoo and wiki-how that pay their writers pretty well. Try offering them your writing skills and get facilitated in return.
Being at home and working from your living room or couch is surely one of the most amazing ways to make money online when jobless. It at least keeps you busy and motivated, keeping you away from the trauma that is always a by-product of being jobless!

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Cory Moneith – One of the Wealthiest Celebrities

Cory Moneith

Cory Moneith
Cory Allan Michael Moneith was a Canadian actor and musician who was born on 11thMay 1982 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He is best known for his role as Finn Hudson on Fox Television series ‘Glee’. He is one of the wealthiest celebrities despite working for a small amount of time.

Amazing Facts about Cory Moneith

Cory Moneith in Glee
  • He loved skim boarding and surfing in his leisure time.
  • Before he started off as an actor, he used to odd jobs such as a taxi-driver and people greeter in Wal-Mart.
  • His favorite sports included hockey and basketball.
  • He was a drummer for Bonnie Dune band.
  • He described himself as a tall, awkward, actor, Canadian, drummer on Twitter.
  • While he was shooting for Final Destination 3, he had to go to McKinley High and same happened when he was acting for Glee.
  • He has a serious drug problem in his teens.
  • He is of Scottish ancestry.
  • He changed 16 schools when he turned 16.
  • He died in a Vancouver hotel due to drug abuse.
I’ve worked as a laborer, driven taxis and school buses, and been a car mechanic – whatever I could do just to get by. But it does mean that I know a little bit about a lot of things.

Cory Moneith’s Awards

Cory Moneith Awards
Cory Moneith has been in the limelight quite a lot because of his famous TV show Glee. He has won the following awards:
  • In 2009, he won an outstanding performance award by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series, Glee.
  • In 2010, he has won a Male Future Style Icon Award in Hollywood Style Awards.
  • In 2011, he won a Teen Choice Award for Glee.
  • In 2012, he received a Do Something Award for Glee.
I’m a big fan of Glee. I think it’s really smart. And I think it’s well-timed. But you can’t be surprised at the reception this show’s received. It’s really something else.

Death of Cory Moneith

Death of Cory Moneith
Cory Moneith died on 13th July 2013 in Vancouver. His drug abuse is believed to reason for his death. He died of a toxic combination of heroin and alcohol in a hotel room in Vancouver. While in his adolescence, he got involved in drugs and was sent to a drug rehabilitation center to rebuild his life at the age of 19. After recovering, he said:
I’m lucky on so many counts. I’m lucky to be alive.
Cory Moneith is a great actor and a very famous one in the arena. All for now!

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Why Blogging is the Best Job for Girls?

Blogging is Best for GirlsBlogging is a big word with so much within. People have their own versions of the definition of this term. Everyone has his own understanding of the word ’blogging’. To a certain extent, all of them are connected somehow. Blogging is not only about sharing news and technologies; it is also about sharing your life’s events and experiences with the readers.

1) Work from Home

Girls prefer to work from home and they are more comfortable with that so blogging is the best option for them. They can have their own working hours, their own schedule and feasible environment. These days, entrepreneurship is quite common so why should girls abate? Why shouldn’t the girls start up their own work? Going out to work is an old norm; you can start right away just from your very own living room and make as much money as you want!

2) Own Boss

Blogging is a self business and girls like to be their own boss! When they opt for blogging, they are not answerable to anyone. They can do everything their way and whenever they want. They can take their blog to any direction and make the best of it. They will be the only ones who will affected by their decisions. Owning a blog, makes you do things the way you want them to be!

3) Creative Blogging Ideas

Girls are comparatively more creative and classy. They have more girly ideas to attract the all ladies out there and make their blog more popular. They can write about buying jewelry online, selling clothing, offering home décor and loads of stuff in which girls are interested. There are so many blogs which offer tips and services to offer complete makeover for their homes and themselves.
Blogging - Creative Girls

4) Two Way Communication

Most of the girls love to talk! This is a fact and even girls can’t deny that. To make girls utilize their love to talk, blogging has done wonders in this regard. There are blogs which share daily lives, special events and failures of the people. In this way, people get to talk about themselves and end up making bigger social circles. Blogging helps people learn and move ahead. It offers great two way communication via comments and likes.

5) Immediate Work and Updates

Wait – is one the few words which girls don’t have in their dictionaries. Therefore, blogging is the best job for them. They can write any time, post it immediately and get ready for the great comments and likes. This immediate work is what makes life easier for them. Working and then waiting for approval or rejection actually kills! So it is better for things, which are faster and more productive.
Apart from these, there are various other reasons for blogging being the best job for girls.
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10 Most Expensive Currencies of the world in 2014

expensive currencies of the world in 2014The world’s economy experiences a dynamic switching where one country enjoys a smooth GDP while the other suffers its best. What makes a country expensive or cheap is the value of its currency and the best way to judge a currency’s worth is to compare it with the US dollar.
Here are 10 most expensive currencies of the world in 2014. Have a look!

1) Kuwaiti Dinar

kuwaiti dinar
Currency: Dinar
Value of 1 dinar against dollar: $3.51
Value of 1 dinar against rupee: Rs.209.91
Highest banknote: 20Introduced in 1961 to replace Gulf rupee, it was equivalent of one pound sterling initially.
The currency has seen it’s ups and downs. When Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, they replaced Kuwaiti dinar with Iraqi dinar. After liberation, the Kuwaiti dinar was restored.

2) Bahrain Dinar

Currency: Dinar
Value of 1 dinar against dollar: $2.65
Value of 1 dinar against rupee: Rs.158.49
Highest banknote: 20
Bahrain introduced dinar in 1965 to replace the Gulf rupee. Initially one dinar was equivalent to 10 rupees. Before Malta adopted the euro, Bahrain’s dinar was the third highest-valued currency and is now the second.

3) Omani Rial

omani rial
Currency: Rial
Value of 1 rial against dollar: $2.60
Value of 1 rial against rupee: Rs.155.20
Highest banknote: 50
There was a time when India rupee was the main currency, along with Maria Theresa Thaler, circulating in Muscat and Oman. In 1940, however, the rial was made the currency of Oman.

4) Latvian Euro

lativian euro
Currency: Lats
Value of 1 lats against dollar: $1.89
Value of 1 lats against rupee: Rs 112.76
Highest banknote: 500
First introduced in 1922, lats were replaced with Soviet ruble when USSR occupied the country. After the country regained independence, the currency was reintroduced in 1993.
In June 2013, European Union asses the Latvia and gave it the green light to introduce euro. Lats will no longer be the country’s currency from January 1, 2014, once euro is introduced.

5) UK Pound

United Kingdom
Currency: Pound
Value of 1 pound against dollar: $1.53
Value of 1 pound against rupee: Rs 91.64
Highest banknote: 100 (in Scotland and Northern Ireland) and 50 (in England and Wales)
The pound sterling is the world’s oldest currency still in use and it is the fourth most traded currency in the foreign exchange market, after the United States dollar, the euro, and the Japanese yen.
Sterling is also the third most held reserve currency in global reserves (about 4 per cent).

6) Jordanian Dinar

Currency: Dinar
Value of 1 dinar against dollar: $1.41
Value of 1 dinar against rupee: Rs 84.51
Highest banknote: 50
From 1927 to 1950, the Palestine Currency Board issued Palestine pound as the official currency in both Palestine and the Trans-Jordan Emirate, according to Wikipedia.
When Jordan became independent in 1946, the country wanted its own currency and Jordanian dinar became the kingdom’s official currency.

7) European Union Euro

Countries in European Union
Currency: Euro
Value of 1 euro against dollar: $1.33
Value of 1 euro against rupee: Rs.79.22
Highest banknote: 500
The currency is the official currency of Eurozone that comprises of 17 countries. Some these include Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain.
The currency is the second largest reserve currency as also the second most traded in the world.
The currency was introduced to world financial markets as an accounting currency in 1995.

8) Azerbaijan Manat

Currency: Manat
Value of 1 euro against dollar: $1.27
Value of 1 euro against rupee: Rs.75.74
Highest banknote: 100
After gaining independence in 1991, Azerbaijan became a member of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Islamic Development Bank and the Asian Development Bank.The banking system of Azerbaijan consists of the Central Bank of Azerbaijan, commercial banks and non-banking credit organizations.

9) Cayman Islands Dollar

Cayman Islands
Currency: Dollar
Value of 1 dollar against dollar: $1.22
Value of 1 dollar against rupee: Rs. 72.99
Highest banknote: 100
With no direct taxation, the islands thrive as an offshore financial center, with hundreds of banks, insurers and mutual funds. One Cayman Islands Dollar equals $1.21 US. The earlier currency used in Cayman Islands was Jamaican dollar, which was replaced in 1972. On the islands, the US dollar is accepted as legal currency.

10) Switzerland Franc

Currency: Franc
Value of 1 franc against dollar: $1.07
Value of 1 franc against rupee: Rs.64.16
Highest banknote: 1,000
Historically, the Swiss franc has been considered as a safe-haven currency with virtually zero inflation and a legal requirement that a minimum of 40 per cent be backed by gold reserved.
The currency saw a sudden appreciation in 2011 as investors sought safety when Greek-sovereign debt crisis occurred. It further appreciated when European crisis continued and US, too, was witness economic turmoil.
As the currency appreciation was looked as a threat to domestic business, Switzerland’s central bank intervened. At present, the bank has set a highest target for the currency and does not let it appreciate beyond that.
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Top 10 Richest Rappers of the World in 2014

Richest cities in the world in 2014Music has no boundaries, therefore the singers and the rappers can be assumed as the universal service providers, earning equally from all ends. Rappers have always been one of the most followed celebrities who keep their followers entertained for their exceptional moves in the field of music.  Here are top 10 richest rappers of the world in 2014!
Have a look!

10) Lil Wayne

Net Worth: $135 million
Lil Wayne
Lil Wayne is an American rapper, producer and music executive who has a net worth of $135 million. Whether you call him Lil Wayne, Mr. Carter or Weezy F. Baby, the New Orleans born rapper has reached stardom in ways other musician’s only aspire to Growing up in the 17th ward of New Orleans, Wayne started his career at only 15-years-old with Cash Money Records rap group Hot Boys and soon debuted his solo album The Block is Hot, which went double platinum and reached #3 on the Billboard charts.

9) Eminem

Net Worth: $140 million
Eminem is a multi-platinum selling American rapper, producer and actor who has a net worth of $140 million.
In 1997 release of The Slim Shady EP, earned Eminem the attention of Dr. Dre, who executive-produced the major-label release of The Slim Shady LP. The album was an instant commercial and critical success, earning Eminem a Grammy for best rap album. 2000 and 2002 saw the releases of The Marshall Mathers LP and The Eminem Show. Both albums were huge successes commercially.

8) Notorious Big

Net Worth: $160 million
Notorious B.I.G
The Notorious B.I.G. was an American rapper who had an estimated net worth of $160 million dollars.
The Notorious B.I.G. released “Ready to Die”, his debut album, in 1994 and instantly became a force in the East Coast hip hop scene as well as raising its profile at a time when West Coast hip hop was dominating the mainstream music scene. The growing feud between the East Coast and West Coast hip hop scenes was something The Notorious B.I.G. was very involved in and on March 9, 1997 he was killed in a drive by shooting outside of a Los Angeles museum. “Life After Death”, his double – disc set was released 16 days after his death. The album rose to number one on the U.S. album charts and became one of the few hip hop albums to be certified Diamond in 2000.

7) Birdman

Net Worth: $170 million
Birdman is an American rapper, CEO and entrepreneur who has a net worth of $170 million. Birdman, also known as Bryan “Baby” Williams is the CEO and founder of Cash Money Records. Cash Money Records is the most commercially successful label in the history of hip-hop music with 50 million records sold and annual revenues in excess of $100 million.
Birdman owns a $30 million condo in Miami. He claims that every 6 months he buys 100 new cars and gives away all the “old” ones. At any given time he is wearing millions of dollars worth jewelry.

6) 50 Cent

Net Worth: $260 million
50 Cent is an American rapper and entrepreneur who has a net worth of $260 million. 50 Cent earned his net worth through lucrative endorsement deals and millions in record sales. Ever since bursting onto the scene with his debut album Get Rich or Die Trying, 50 Cent has been launched into the stratosphere of richest rappers. His studio albums alone have sold over 21 million units. In his relatively short time in the spotlight, 50 Cent founded label G-Unit records, launched G-Unit clothing company.

5) Russell Simmons

Net Worth: $325 million
russel simone
Russell Wendell Simmons was born on October 10, 1957 and is a very successful American entrepreneur, the co-founder (with Rick Rubin) of the pioneering hip-hop record label, Def Jam. His personal net worth is reputed to be $500 million. Simmons is one of the wealthiest entrepreneurs in the world of hip-hop. In addition to his music empire, Russell Simmons also is owner and operator of three clothing lines that he founded.

4) Master P

Net Worth: $350 million
Master P
Master P ,a rap mogul, an entrepreneur and a film producer has a net worth of $350 million. In the late 90s Master P built a well diversified business empire, empire that included several rap labels, a clothing line, a management company, a high end travel agency, a film production company, and a video game company.
His most notable and likely most successful endeavor has been No Limit Records which pioneered the Southern Rap sound and has sold over 80 million records worldwide.

3) Dr.Dre

Net Worth: $360 million
Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre is an American rapper, actor and producer who has a net worth of $360 million.
Dre frequented nightclubs where he learned to DJ and became a member of electro-hop group World Class Wreckin’ Cru in 1984. After meeting fellow rapper Ice Cube, Dr. Dre joined rap project N.W.A. run by rapper Eazy-E under Ruthless Records and released Straight Outta Compton in 1988. Three years later he co-founded Death Row Records, on which he debuted his first solo album, The Chronic, through which he went multi-platinum less than a year after its release. In 1996, Dre established Aftermath Entertainment where he produced and showcased numerous talents such as Eminem,Mary J. Blige, and 50 Cent.

2) Jay-Z

Net Worth: $500 million
Jay-Z is a rapper, songwriter and businessman who has a net worth of $500 million. Jay-Z has earned his net worth through his career in the music industry, beginning as co-founder (with Damon Dash and Kareem Biggs) of Roc-A-Fella records, where he began his recording career. He signed with Def Jam and released his album, “In My Lifetime, Volume 1.” It won platinum status. A year later, he released “Volume 2, Hard Knock Life,” which has sold over five million copies and is five times platinum. With continued success, Jay-Z’s net worth is expected to reach $1 billion or more within his lifetime. A truly incredible achievement for any celebrity.

1) P Diddy

Net Worth: $580 million
P Diddy
P Diddy is a rapper, actor, record producer, and men’s fashion designer who has a net worth of $580 million dollars. Diddy’s solo debut “Can’t Nobody Hold Me down” was number one for six weeks on Billboard’s hot 100. His debut album “No Way Out” followed, winning him a Grammy award in 1998 for best rap album. In 2001, Combs changed his stage name Puff Daddy to P Diddy and eventually shortened it to just “Diddy”.