Monday, 3 February 2014

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How Do I Permenantly Delete My Blog on Blogger

Blogger, the Google’s free blogging platform, allows you to create up to 100 blogs per account for free. If you have created a lot of blogs on Blogger but don’t maintain them or if you want to make your Blogger dashboard cleaner by removing junk blogs, then this tutorial will guide you in deleting a blog permanently from your account and from Google’s servers. Deletion will not only make your Blogger dashboard cleaner, but it will reduce load and junk from Google’s servers too. Thus it will help Google Inc. in providing robust performance for blogspot blogs like it does for several years.
To delete your blog (s) from Blogger, first of all sign in to Blogger dashboard at In dashboard, you will find that all blogs are listed where you are the owner or you are an author. To delete a blog, simply click its title.
You will be taken to your blog’s dashboard once you will follow the link behind your blog’s title. In your blog’s dashboard, go to its “Settings” section and then navigate to “Other” section. Under “Other” section, you will find the “Delete” option near top. Click “Delete” option to remove your blog. Before deleting your blog, you might like to keep a download of its content, so you will be able to restore it later whenever you need it back.
Blogger will ask you for confirmation either you are sure to delete your blog or not. You can confirm the deletion by pressing “Delete This Blog” button.
Once you will confirm the deletion, your blog will be moved to “Deleted blogs” section. If you wish to delete your blog permanently, then you need to contact Blogger support for this purpose. You can access “Deleted blogs” link in Blogger dashboard at https://blogger.comwhere you can reverse the deletion of your blog if you need it again.

Always Delete Junk Blogs: Google is providing such a superb free hosting for your blog and you should also take care of the service like Google does. If you think a blog isn’t needed by you anymore or if you have created several blogs but are maintaining only a few, then you should delete useless blogs to reduce load on Google’s servers.
Each day, uncountable blogs are added to Google’s Blogger as Google’s blogging tool has always been the first priority of a blogger who joins blogosphere. So to ensure that Google has always the room for new blogs, you must never overload its servers with blogs you don’t need. Your little contribution will let several other bloggers to take the advantage of Blogger who can’t afford to purchase a hosting for their blog.
I hope this tutorial helped you in deleting your blog. If you need any additional information about deleting your Blogger blog, you can ask below in comments.


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